~Infiltration Of The Big Shell~
April 29th, 2009... Two years have passed since the sinking of the tanker that Snake infiltrated. The "Big Shell" - a huge offshore cleanup facility constructed off New York's coast. Now, this symbol of environmental preservation, has been occupied by an armed group calling themselves "Sons of Liberty."
The President, who was on a tour to inspect the facility at the time, has been taken hostage, and they have set large amounts of explosives, demanding a large sum of money from the government in return for his release. If the explosives are detonated, the explosions will lead to the release of huge amounts of chemical toxins into the sea, unleashing a massive environmental disaster which would be the worst in history.
Faced with an unprecedented state of crisis, the government has called on the newly reformed FOXHOUND to handle the situation. FOXHOUND agent Raiden must single-handedly infiltrate the "Big Shell" and carry out this sneaking mission as his first actual mission.
~The Truth Under The Shell's Surface~
Though at first the Big Shell seems to be just an huge offshore cleanup facility, in reality it's just camoflage to cover up the ultimate weapon,"Arsenal Gear". Raiden eventually teams up with Solid Snake, Otacon, Emma Emmerich, and Mr. X to try and save the world from Solidus' new rule of "liberty".
Though not all are quite sure of Arsenal Gear's perpose, they know that it has a wide range of Nuclear weapons at it's control, and also it being surrounded by about 25 Metal Gear Rays. Hal Emmerich, Solid Snake, and Raiden all know that they need to stop it...which is where Emma Emmerich comes in. Only she has the virus that has a chance to stop Arsenal's A.I, G.W.
Though the only way to enter the virus is to get Emma to the main control room. It's up to Raiden to guide her to it, but once she almost gets past the Oil Fence, Deadcell member Vamp comes to the surface and holds a knife up to Emma.
Raiden acts fast and quickly snipers Vamp into the Water, although Vamp got the alst laugh, and Emma was stabbed badly.
Snake quickly got her to the computer room where she entered the code, but once Solid Snake entered the disk..it didn't fully load into it, and none were quite sure if the virus got through and would work.
Otacon didn't have the heart to tell her dying sister, and told her that everything was alright and that she saved them all. Though he, Snake, and Raiden truly knew that they were far from safe.
After she died, Hal Emmerich was put in charge to rescue the hostages as the Big Shell was about to sink into the Atlantic Ocean, due to the uprising of Arsenal Gear.
Solid Snake and Mr.X, now identified as Olga Gurlukovich, used Raiden to gain access by making them look traitors to the camera. As the three entered Arsenal Gear, the Big Shell sank into the cold Ocean, as a helicopter flew above it, containing Hal Emmerich and the Hostages.
~My View Of This Chapter Of The Game~
To me, this is the where the real fun begins. I'm a HUGE fan of Raiden, and this is where the player finally gets to play as him. This is where alot of the action is, and introduces the group DeadCell (more on those in the "Who Are Deadcell" section).As I said, alot fot he action takes place here, and takes a while to get through the Big Shell. You play as Raiden (yay ^.^) and are partnered up withSolid Snake/Pliskin, Hal Emmerich/Otacon, Emma Emmerich/E.E, and Mr.X/Olga Gurlukovich.
The movies are extremly well done and I love it. So I think thise really surpasses the Tanker chapter, not saying that the Tanker chapter sucked, but this has Raiden..and need I say more ^_~
