Just For Fun
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Tanker Chaper

Big Shell Chapter

Arsenal Gear Chapter

Solid Snake (playable character)

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Special Suits and Equipment

Metal Gear Legacy


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Mysteries Of MGS2/MGS



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Raiden (playable character)


~In Game Secrets~

Frequency List


Otacon - 141.12

Otacon(save) - 140.96


Colonel - 140.85

Rose - 140.96

Pliskin - 141.80

Stillman - 140.25

Mr.X - 140.48

Ames - 140.72

Johnson - 141.37

Emma - 141.52

Title Screen Titillation

While you're starting at the title screen and Snake's red face, you can manipulate the background's position and color by moving the Right Analog Stick.  Press L2 and a gunshot will sound.

Codec Craziness
While watching any Codec conversation, move the Right and Left Analog Sticks and the characters' faces will move.  Press on the sticks, and the faces will zoom in close.  Press the R1 or R2 button while Snake or Raiden is listening to someone, and you can hear their thoughts.  Some of the guys' secret attitudes toward the other characters are quite funny!
Camera Surveillance
Equip the Scope, the Camera, or the Digital Camera and watch soldiers from a distance.  Press the Action button and something strange but useful happens; if you have collected that soldier's Dog Tags, his name will be displayed.  This helps you determine which guards reamain to be captured.
Cinema Control
During any of the cinemas depicting real-time events in the game, press the R1 button to zoom in on the scene.  Then move the Right Analog Stick to move the camera.  This is a great way to examine the fantastic amount of detail in the character modeling and background textures.
Different Olga Cinemas
Depending on which side of the Port Navigational Deck you defeat Olga Gurlukovich during the "Tanker" episode, the cinema afterwards changes slightly.  If you defeat her on the left side of the area, she is seen hanging over the rail in the cinema.  Defeat her on the right side, and she is slumped against an open crate.  All of the camera angles are changed accordingly.
Either character can improve the level of his Grip Gage by doing chin-ups from a rail.  To do this, hang over the rail and press L2 and R2 simultaneously to exercise.  Do 100 chin-ups, and the Grip Gauge will increase in level.  The gauge can reach Level 3 by doing a certain number of chin-ups.
Perverted Troopers
Leave one of the lockers with a pinup on Deck-A of the Tanker. If soldiers come into the room on a "clearing" mission, they will stop and gawk at the pretty lady.  The trick works also on the Plant chapter, but this time use adult magazines.
Tanker Shortcuts
Use First Person Mode at the top of the Engine Room, and you'll notice a wire that extends from one side of the room to the other.  Leap over the back rail and shimmy onto the wire.  It helps if you have a leveled-up Grip Gauge.
When sneaking into the cargo holds, look for hatches at the back of each room.  There is a hatch that Snake can climb into at the back of Hold No.1. Crawl through the vent into Hold No.2, and look for another hatch on the other side of the projectors.  Crawl through this vent, and you'll reach Hold No.3 with no problem!  Also, look for wires that span the upper levels of the holds...
Projector Fun
When in Hold No.2 you can switch which projector is working.  The Marines will turn their heads in the direction of the projector, enabling Snake to sneak by.  You can continue switch them back and forth until Snake puts up an image of a woman on the projector scree, at which point he get caught.  It's still fun to try.
Seagull Splatter
If you look up in the sky in First Person View Mode and a bird flies overhead, shit will land right on the camera!
Shave, Snake!
If you otain the shaver at the beginning of the Plant chapter, Raiden will give it to Snake later on, changing Snake's appearance.
Bathroom Problems
When you're listening to the converasation between Ocelot and Solidus with your Directional Mic, press left to point the mic at the bathroom. You'll be able to listen to a very humorous scene where Johnny Sasaki is having problems on the toilet.
Daze the Guards
Even the stealthy sometimes get caught. When this happens, a blue exclamation point will appear above the guard's head. If you shoot the blue punctuation mark, you'll knock the guard out temporarily. 
Getting Dog Tags
Most of the normal guards in the game have Dog Tags that contain the names of the game's development team and those that won Konami's contest. To collect the Dog Tags you must hold up the guard and then make him shake and give it up by pointing your gun at his head or crotch. Dog Tags can be collected for each of the game's four difficulty levels.
Replay Value
Once beating the game once, a blue Raiden face will appear in the main menu.  All the Marines on the Tanker will be in their underwear.  After beating the game the third time Snake and Raiden will wear sunglasses in cutscenes (Japanese and European version only).  If you collect all the Dog Tags on 3 difficulty settings you can ulock secret items;  Snake would get Stealth and Bandana and Raiden will get 3 different Wigs and Stealth.  Each Wig has a hidden power/ability.
Snake Under Box
After the conversation with Stillman in Strut see, exit the kitchen and go to the exit on your right.  When you go through you will see a guard knocked out... Look onto the bridge and you will see "someone" under the box.
Reveal Cyborg Ninja
When the Cyborg Ninja says "I'm like you, I have no name." QUICKLY press R1,L1,L2,R2 and his mask will flash on and off to reveal his face. Mystery! Big Spoiler. It really works!
Snake's Tag
To get Snake's Tag you need to put him on sleep w/the tranqualizer and make him drop it. (NOTE. if you try to knock him out w/your kick-punch combo he'll kick your ass for sure)
Radar Weather Girl
When Raiden is waiting for Snake in the Arsenal Gear corridor, a short video featuring Konami Eyes model will suddenly overtake the Soliton Radar display.  Don't answer a Codec call while the video is playing, or it will disappear.
Soldier Envy
After Olga releases you from the torture machine go to where the Arsenal Tengus are patrolling and set of the alarm.  Then quickly run back to the torture machine and lean against it so it looks like Raiden is still tied to is.  A soldeir will enter, look around and then will be very jealous of Raiden's  "package".
Snake Talk
Once you have written down your clear code, quickly hit UP (x2), DOWN (x2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, X and CIRCLE to hear Snake speak.
Emma Talk
When Emma is crossing the Oil Fance and you cover her with Sniper Fire, wait for her to go behind the column.  Use the directional microphone to listen in.  On the first one she'll make fun of Raiden's hair (call her as soon as she finished talking, for more fun).  Behind the second column she'll run into Johnny Sasaki (guard from MGS).
Codec Moments
As Snake:
  • Keep phoning Otacon at the start and you will get a lot of info i.e on the Patriots
  • Get into a locker and phone Otacon
  • Get into a locker, look at one of the female posters and phone Otacon
  • Only have Pentazemin equiped and phone Otacon; now use it and phone him again
  • Keep calling Otacon and eventually somebody will interupt
  • After fighting Olga, look at her in first person view then phone Otacon
  • After fighting Olga, keep phoning Otacon
  • Shoot Olga after defeating her and you will be contacted by Otacon
As Raiden
  • Stand in front of the urinal in the men's room (Strut C) and call the Colonel
  • Crouch infront of a girls toilet in the girls room and phone the Colonel
  • While in the girl's room (Strut C) call Rose. Do the same with Pliskin
  • When Pliskin is asleep keep phoning him
  • If you kill a lot of seagulls Rose and the Colonel will contact you
  • While an FHM mag is equipped phone Rose, Do the same with Snake
  • Phone the Colonel whilst getting urinated on
  • If you did the Pentazemin call with Snake, do the same with Raiden but phone Snake
  • When you up the grip level Rose and the Colonel will contact you
  • In no specific circumstances if you phone the Colonel or Snake enough you will get info on Dead Cell
  • If you call the Colonel enough times Rose will do some checking on Snake
  • When you enter the Shell 1 Core with the BDU phone Snake. Do the same with the Colonel
  • Beat up the hostages (kicking is the best way) then contact the Colonel
  • After completing the previous one phone Rose
  • After beating the Harrier phone Snake for some interesting info
  • In Shell 2 Core 1F, keep phoning Snake enough and Otacon will interupt with funny results
  • When you have Emma and you are in the room that you beat Vamp keep phoning Snake to see an argument
  • When you have to cross the bugs with Emma phone the Colonel then Snake
  • If you shoot Emma with the USP Snake will phone you. Shoot her enough times and he will stop answering your calls
  • Knock Emma out, lay on top of her and phone Snake
  • After you get outside the Shell 2 Core phone Snake
  • Punch Emma and phone her right away
  • Phone the Colonel whilst look up Jennifer's dress
  • Phone Rose whilst in the above circumstances
  • Keep phoning the Colonel until he asks if your trying to get an outrageous score. Fully stocks up your ammo.
  • Call Pliskin with various items equiped i.e Rations, Cigs etc.
  • Shoot Snake and then phone the Colonel

Easter Island Statues

1) Under the desk in the computer room

2) In the gun camera room near where the President is held, there’s a vent with a grate. Take out the grate with a grenade launcher (shoot twice), and stand on top of the box and send in a Nikita. At the first intersection, there’s a grate on the left and right. Take outthe one on the right and send another Nikita through, and there will be a statue.

3) Downstairs in the sediment pool room (Strut D). Look carefully.

4)Only available in extreme mode. In the upper right closet where you find Emma. Watch out for the claymore mine.


  • In Hold 2 of the tanker, if you stand next to the projector and press the triangle button, the projectors will switch. Do this enough times and a cut scene follows. I recommend you save before trying this!
  • Olga apparently doesn’t wear a bra.
  • When the colonel is crazy he turns the radar into a video of a woman. Do not answer your codec or it will stop.
  • If you call the colonel when he’s crazy, there is another video of a woman from MGS: VR Missions.
  • In the Tanker engine room, there are a couple of posters which are hidden and only viewable in first person, to find them look for the guards with binoculars. Do not shoot the posters, they explode and cause alert mode.
  • Tap on the posters with and without a gun equipped for funny results
  • If in a locker where a poster is present, look at it and press and then let go of R1
  • The girly magazines you find can be dropped to distract guards
  • If you leave open lockers with girly posters on them, guards who are searching the room in a Clearing will get distracted by them and gawk. A very large exclamation point appears when this happens


  • If you hold up a guard with a Stinger or RGB they will wet themself
  • You can hold them up with empty guns but don't try to shoot them with it, on hearing an empty gun they will react
  • You can tranquilize the military guards in the Holds 1, 2 & 3. They will be asleep whilst standing up. Don't try to kill them it will end the game!
  • Kicking the guard in the engine room over the rail will sometimes - if timed right - cause the falling guard to hit an unsuspecting one below
  • Make it around Strut K without being noticed through the windows and a guard will urinate
  • After the Verrazano Brige Checkpoint hide in the third doorway and wait for the guard to approach, when he is standing still look round the corner for a laugh
  • Use coolant to wake up sleeping guards (good for getting dogtags)
  • When you have been released from the torture chamber by Olga get spotted by a guard run back and pretend to be locked up by backing up against the torture chamber then listen to the guards comments
  • The best way to find out if you have a guards dogtags is to use the scope look at a guard and hold triangle. Also on his birthday it will say happy birthday
  • In the computer room watch the internet pervert guards' hands
  • With stealth in the tanker drag one of the crew (guy's in orange suits) around and the guards will think it's a ghost
  • With stealth hold up a guard, when another guard sees him you should get a laugh
  • If you shoot a guard whilst in stealth he may blame another guard and not call for reinforcements but make sure there is another guard in the area!
  • If a team is sent in to investigate a guard not sending a report, drag him away from the area or hide him in a locker and they will just report that they cannot find the AWOL soldier


  • Ask the old lady if she is Ames and she will wet herself
  • You can assualt the hostages by kicking them, also stand right over one go into first person mode, look at them and hit punch, you will hit them with the but of your AK. Rose and the Colonel do not like this!
  • One of the female hostages (Jennifer) has her legs slightly spread. If you try to look between them, she closes them
    quickly, Stun her with a dart and while she sleeps, she’ll slowly open/close them. Crawl under the table she’s facing
    if your that desperate!
  • Whilst spying on Solidus and Ocelot turn the directional microphone to the left and listen to Mr Sasaki having bowel
    troubles again. And if you listen to Emma during the sniper mission she will mention him.
  • While searching for Ames if you get it wrong too many times Raiden will change his question when asking whether
    the person is Ames
  • If you run around in the room hostages will trip you up
  • Spray them with coolant and see the results

  • -At the clear code screen, quickly press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, X, circle. Snake will yell to confirm the code. It does nothing, it's just funny.

    -If a guard follows you into the room with the Raven doll and sees the shadow of it the guard will get scared.

    -In the first set of flooded corridors you can find a rubber duck. To find it go up for air. Directions: right, second Left, Then forward as far as possible and go up. go into first person mode and look around to see it.

    -Whilst in a locker where there is a poster of a girl press R1 to make kiss the poster.

    -When Emma is behind the pillars during the sniping mission get out the D.Mic and listen for a laugh. After the first pillar phone her on the codec.

    -To see Hideo Kojima's "Ghost" photograph the projector in the Hold. There are other "Ghost" pictures in the game aswell

    -There is a shortcut in the Engine Room make sure your grip level is up and jump over to shimmy across a wire

    -If you get across the Strut L Perimeter you will get urinated on.

    -After the talk from Stillman goto the C-D Connecting Bridge and you will see a stunned soldier and Snake running along underneath a box

    -Run onto the electric floor that is blocking the President with a box and you will get electricuted and the box will set on fire. You will lose your box but not your life.

    ~A Possible Cast for a Metal Gear Solid Video~